Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Di -na-mit-a

I was wandering along the halls of the campus, very satisfied being alone. Well it doesnt really mater what people think and say about me what matters is what i think and what i say nothing else matters. The truth is i dont really mind if nobody likes me, who says i like them in the first place? Everybody's free to call me different names like bitch or epal or anythin they wanted to call me. The hell i care why would i stoop down to their level? All they know is just get themselves pimped and look like whores walking down the streets with backpacks and all those patweetums facial expressions. "imahe ng mga salot ng bayan yan lang xe alam atupagen eh kawawa naman" Well just so you know little miss Betty Boops i dont find it a problem if i spend my time alone awh remember when you sarcastically said "huhu.. wawa naman xa walang ksma" the truth is im better off without you nor with anybody else.

Umm excuse me if you dont mind id like to hear more of your side comments and descriminations. It would be much better if you'll talk to me face to face only cowards say somethin behind somebody and you're the best example for that. God Bless you mmuwah! ^_^

1 comment:

-kyle- said...

Wicked. Nice outlook. ^^